ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" Times HTML Grinder The Ultimate Web Site Management Tool Helvetica To View Next Page: Choose from Page menu or type To View Previous Page: Choose Previous from Page menu or type To Print Document: Choose Print from the File menu or type Contents: pages 0Use scroll bar at right to see more of this page 8Other navigation commands are available in the Page menu 1994-97 by Matterform Media "HTML Grinder and the Grinder icons "are trademarks of Matterform Media http://www.matterform.com/ grinder@matterform.com 505/747-1220 Times Table of Contents Introduction )= ................................ )` ................................ ............................. What is the HTML Grinder? )s ................................ )P ................................ ................ Plug-In Tool Approach )a ................................ )P ................................ ....................... Demo Mode )4 ................................ )P ................................ )P ................................ )P ......... How to contact Matterform Media ................................ )P ................................ ...... 1Copyright Information and Distribution Permission ................................ ........... Getting Started )L ................................ )` ................................ ........................ Grinder Package )F ................................ )P ................................ )P ................................ Grinder Requirements )Z ................................ )P ................................ .......................... Balloon Help )7 ................................ )P ................................ )P ................................ ........ 'Loading your documents into the Grinder ................................ .............. Important Warning )P ................................ )P ................................ .............................. 4Dragging documents and folders onto the Grinder icon ................................ ...... #Checking which documents are loaded ................................ ............................... Selecting a wheel to use )d ................................ )P ................................ ...................... Find and Replace wheels )y ................................ )` ................................ )` ......... Find and Replace )H ................................ )P ................................ )P ................................ Glossary )% ................................ )P ................................ )P ................................ ............... Replace Tagged Text )W ................................ )P ................................ ........................... Appender )( ................................ )P ................................ )P ................................ .............. Interface building wheels )| ................................ )` ................................ ........ Index Builder )9 ................................ )P ................................ )P ................................ ....... Sequential Linker )H ................................ )P ................................ )P ................................ AutoIndexer )4 ................................ )P ................................ )P ................................ )P ......... Scroller )# ................................ )P ................................ )P ................................ ................ StretchList )- ................................ )P ................................ )P ................................ ............ Quick coding wheels )g ................................ )` ................................ ............... Date Stamp )2 ................................ )P ................................ )P ................................ .......... Page Labeler )7 ................................ )P ................................ )P ................................ ........ Altifier ................................ )P ................................ )P ................................ .................. File Management )U ................................ )` ................................ ..................... Filename Fixer )> ................................ )P ................................ )P ................................ ..... Recreator )( ................................ )P ................................ )P ................................ .............. Eight Dot Three )C ................................ )P ................................ )P ................................ Other Wheels )C ................................ )` ................................ ........................... Color Calculator )F ................................ )P ................................ )P ................................ AppleScript )2 ................................ )P ................................ )P ................................ .......... Code Police )2 ................................ )P ................................ )P ................................ .......... Other Features )I ................................ )` ................................ ......................... Linking wheels together )d ................................ )P ................................ ...................... Saving commonly used settings ................................ )P ................................ .......... Preferences ): ................................ )` ................................ .............................. Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page Helvetica Introduction What is the HTML Grinder? [The HTML Grinder is not an editor. It is not a WYSIWYG tag converter or a friendly tutorial H]for those trying to learn the Hypertext Markup Language. It s not like any other HTML utility ve ever seen, but once you try it out, you may find you can't live without it. UThe Grinder was developed to meet the needs of advanced Webmasters who need to manage H\sites comprising dozens or hundreds of pages. The Grinder won t write your pages for you the away an editor will, but it will help you maintain them and keep them in order far better than any mere editor could. YSay your Web site has been up for a while, and now you ve changed your email address. Say H]that email address appears on every one of your fifty pages. How is your HTML editor going to [help? You have to open each text file in turn, make the change, and move on to the next. If re quick, this will keep you busy for about fifteen minutes. [The Grinder lets you do it all in a single stroke. You just drag all your HTML documents on H`the Grinder icon, set up a single search-replace dialog box, and click the start button. All the Bchanges in all your HTML documents are done in less than a minute. [Or say you want to make a table of contents to your site so folks can choose a page from an H]alphabetical list. Or have you ever wanted to put a date on the bottom of each page? Or maybe Ymake a chain of pages, with next and previous links leading the reader from page to page. YAn editor can put these kinds of elements on your pages, but you still have to do all the HFclicking and typing. The Grinder can put these elements on your pages automatically. )E You just Hbdrag the files you want onto the Grinder icon, set a few parameters, and the Grinder handle starts to spin! Plug-In Tool Approach aThe Grinder doesn t do anything by itself. It requires special plug-in tools, called wheels, H$make changes to your HTML documents. QEach wheel is a miniature program that performs a specific task. One wheel does a H^find/replace, another wheel creates a table of contents, another puts a date stamp on all your ^pages, and so forth. This modular approach makes it possible to expand the capabilities of the Grinder by releasing new wheels. ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" QAnd what are those icons supposed to be? Why, they re the wheels, the kind that HVplug into those industrial-grade food grinders for grating cheese. Watch your fingers! Demo Mode ZThe Grinder program and one of the wheels, the Find and Replace wheel, are free. You may H2use this software forever at absolutely no charge. YThe other Grinder wheels ship in demo mode which allows you to try them out for a short H^time before purchasing. The wheels are fully functional, but they expire after a few weeks and Fyou need to register them with a serial number to continue using them. YYou can purchase a serial number directly from the Matterform Media web site (see below). H`Once you receive your number and enter it into the software, you will be able to use the Grinder ^wheels indefinitely and without interruption. Be sure to keep a copy of the serial numbers you breceive. You will need them again if you have to reinstall the Grinder, or if you move the Grinder %application to a different Macintosh. Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page Helvetica How to contact Matterform Media WInformation about the HTML Grinder, Matterform Media, and other Matterform products can H^be viewed at the Matterform Web site. You can download the Grinder directly from the site, and Balso purchase serial numbers. Visit the Web site or send us email: Matterform site: Courier http://www.matterform.com/ Email: grinder@matterform.com Phone: 505/747-1220 QYWe take credit card orders through the Web site using secured transactions. Other payment Hcoptions are available such as check, corporate purchase order, faxed credit card orders, and so on. \Remember, the Grinder is expandable. If you have a task that you would like to automate with HVa new Grinder wheel, please write to us. Your ideas help us make the Grinder even more powerful. 1Copyright Information and Distribution Permission WThe HTML Grinder is copyright 1994-97 by Matterform Media. Copyright protection applies to the following: $The HTML Grinder application program All the plug-in wheels The Read Me file This manual Q=Distributing this software without permission is prohibited. Permission is hereby granted to distribute the HTML Grinder 4 as long as all of the following conditions are met: SThe entire package (application, wheels, readme file, and manual) must be included. 5No portion of the package may be modified or altered. 1The wheels must be distributed in Demo Mode only. QJAll the Grinder wheels (except the Find and Replace wheel, which is free) revert to demo U and require new serial numbers as soon as they are copied to another Macintosh. This Haallows you to share the Grinder with your friends and let them try it out for a few weeks in Demo PMode without committing software piracy. Thank you for respecting copyright law. [If you want to include the Grinder in a shareware software collection either online, floppy HD RJBE) b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wutrr 5572030--,+( !*007 CB=AA@@A@?? vtsrqo 95474042.0 (()&%$""# ;<@@=?@ usrqpon :779737516 _]\[Z ++/*'*)'' 7:?;:?@;>> tsrqpomm :99878646 ^\\ZZX /1-+/+)- ;;9<< trrpo -889877566 ^][ZYXW 1/./-,/ IHFEC B&(,1225577 9689677466 \\ZZXWUU 1/0-.. HFEDCB 86543 !$&+.-1 86377257346 \[ZYW 0/0/.. GEECCA@ 765321 1042024/14 /02-/0--/ FEDCB@?> 654311/ /0+-/++. EECBA 543210/" "#%)%& +(+,((+ $&$$%$# Q(Then, select the documents or folders of H+documents you want to grind by highlighting 0their icons. You can shift-click on each icon in 1turn, or drag a selection rectangle to select the icons you want. *Now just point the mouse at any one of the H+highlighted documents or folders, press the +mouse button and drag all the documents and 'folders onto the Grinder icon. When the *Grinder icon highlights, release the mouse 'button to the documents into the XGrinder. If you have difficulty dragging documents onto the Grinder, try rebuilding your desktop. See the Grinder Q&A document, + included with this manual, for assistance. Q_The Grinder application will launch and display the Grinder credits screen briefly. After a few HXseconds, a thermometer window will appear as the Grinder loads the documents you dragged \onto the Grinder icon, and all the documents inside the folders you dragged onto the Grinder icon. \When this is finished, a soft chime will sound. You can now use one of the plug-in wheels to H(make changes to this group of documents. Helvetica #Checking which documents are loaded JA%!)( )`*JR@ ) JBR I!II% H'AI$ H)II$) I!II% $ I !$ H'AI$ H)II$) &I9%" I!II% HII !$ H'AI$ H)II$) I!II% H'AI$ H)II$) )I%$ JRA$ I!II% H'AI$ H)II$) )I%$ A%$ &ffLL ?You can see exactly which documents are loaded at any time just by choosing Loaded Documents... from the Edit menu. A window HAappears listing the complete pathname to every document loaded in =the Grinder. If you want to work on a different group of HTML Cdocuments, you can edit this list, or you can just drag a different )group of documents onto the Grinder icon. &The Grinder is pre-configured to load documents that contain .html suffix. All other files are ignored and are not loaded into the Grinder. See Preferences, )? below, to change this behavior. Note: V If you load a great many documents into the Grinder at once (say, more than 400), you HSwill receive a message saying that the documents cannot be displayed in the Loaded ^Documents window. The documents are still loaded, and you will still be able to work on them, ]but you will not be able to see them listed in the window and the documents will no longer be 5loaded the next time you restart the Grinder program. Selecting a wheel to use XOnce you have a group of documents loaded into the Grinder, you can open a wheel to make H]changes to all those documents at once. To use any wheel, just select its name from the Tools 0menu. The wheel window will open on your screen. CThe following pages describe the functions of each wheel in detail. Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page Helvetica Find and Replace wheels Find and Replace 0ff`Fff ff f&ffd 6The Find and Replace wheel is free. Even if you do not H?purchase a serial number for the other wheels, you can use this :wheel at no charge, although the Demo messages will appear !every time the Grinder is opened. 5The Find and Replace wheel works the way any Find and H2Replace command works in most word processors. The Ddifference is that this wheel will search at a single stroke all the :documents you drag onto the Grinder icon. You only need to 7type the phrases into the fields once and then hit the Find & Replace button. Q@If you want the search to match case (i.e., find only words that HXexactly match the pattern of upper and lower case letters in the Find field), check the H Sensitive )-W box. This box is not available in Demo mode. If you want to use this feature, you need H Your text and HTML code here... Replacing the tagged text 0In the Tagged Text wheel, you would now specify as the beginning tag and )xK as the end tag. Then type or paste into the large scrolling field whatever HHtext you want you want to insert between those two tags. When you click Replace Tagged Text, HPthe wheel will go through each one of your documents, find the text between the )zE tags and replace it with the text you typed into the large scrolling field. Appender )bAHI)`|D HI)@DD A)HQ(B HI)@DD )IBH )IJJR $ ) J@% /IJJR (IJJR 9JJN c03#2f c0?30f c0030f c0132f x)HI I )Hx,bH B I ")@E(B I)HRC A)JPB(B 4The Appender wheel lets you insert text at specified H%locations in all your HTML documents. :The first field is the large scrolling field where you can H8type or paste the text you want to insert in each one of your HTML documents. 4Under the large field is a popup menu which controls H6where the text will be appended in the HTML documents. There are four choices: At beginning of document. Appends the text at the g4beginning of the document, before all the other text Hn* A comment tag looks like where the TEXT is any string of text of any length. Comment tags do not rdisplay in a Web browser, but can be used by the HTML Grinder to find important pieces of text in your HTML files. SSeveral Grinder wheels use custom comment tags to help you maintain your Web pages. Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page in the document. At end of document. )hF Appends the text at the end of the document, after all the other text in the document. Before text. );L Appends the text before the first instance in each document of the text you g7type in the small field to the right of the popup menu. After text. )5P Appends the text after the first instance in each document of the text you type g2in the small field to the right of the popup menu. Q`The Before Text and After Text options are especially powerful. If you want to place text at the HHbeginning of each page, you will probably want to append text after the Courier (or Hbtag. If you want to append some text at the end of each page, you should not place the text at the end of the entire document, but before the tag. Q/When you make all the settings, just click the Append Text button. Helvetica Interface building wheels Index Builder IH)JJ rA% % HJI f&bd` )`%!JR /@!'J^ (@%)JP %)JPE BH!!$ E,JJ ,JB)IHA)H zB/IHA)H E(BHI BBHIHE)H >Index Builder is a quick and painless way to create those long HDtables of contents that are so common in Web sites. It automatically Eputs a list on one page with automatically generated links to a group of destination pages. DTo use this wheel, select your destination pages (that is, the group HBof pages for which you want to create a linked list) and drag them #onto the Grinder icon. Then choose Index Builder from the Tools menu. Click Select Index File... )^) This will display a standard Open dialog H;box. Select the HTML document on which you want the list to cappear with links to all your destination documents. The name of the file appears in the text field underneath. .There are two other options to set. Check the Alphabetize )=# box if you want the links arranged H$in alphabetical order. And from the Format )'" popup menu, you can choose among: Plain
. ):. Puts each link on its own line, separated by tags. Plain

. )5. Puts each link on its own line, separated by tags. Unordered. );# Creates a bulleted list using the tag. Unordered

. )R# Creates a bulleted list using the # tag and separating each entry with an additional

tag. Ordered. )/# Creates a numbered list using the tag. Ordered

. )F# Creates a numbered list using the # tag and separating each entry with an additional

tag. When you click Build Index, )@? the wheel will create a link for each one of the documents you H/dragged onto the Grinder icon. It will use the )1) of each page for the link text, and will build the Q tags and an appropriate link pathname. Then the wheel will arrange the links for H\each document, alphabetize them if you specified, and list them in the format you specified. `Finally, the wheel will automatically insert the HTML code for the linked list onto the page you specified as the index file. Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page >Example of the HTML code created for an unordered linked index Courier <!--index--> -<li><a href="../folder/file1.html">Page 1</a> -<li><a href="../folder/file2.html">Page 2</a> -<li><a href="../folder/file3.html">Page 3</a> </ul> <!--end of index--> Q^The first time you add an index to a file, it will be at the spot you specify using the Append popup menu (see the Appender )38 wheel for more information). However, the index will be H/wrapped inside two non-displaying comment tags: <!--index--> and <!--end of index--> Q_The next time you add an index to this file, the wheel will search for these comment tags (even H`if you have moved them), throw out the index that lies between them, and insert the new index in its place. Helvetica Sequential Linker \Many Web designers often find themselves facing the task of connecting a group of pages into Hca sequential chain, with links on each page that point to the next and previous pages in the chain. XThese chains require a great deal of work, especially when they have to be re-organized. [The Sequential Linker makes this a task of one minute. It automatically connects pages in a H]sequential chain with links that lead from page to page, forward and backward. It even allows 3you to add a link up to a Table of Contents page. +Loading your documents in the correct order `To use this wheel, the first step is to select all the HTML documents in the chain. The order in H^which you select the documents determines the order in which they will be linked in the chain. `The best method is to click on the first document in the chain, and then hold down the shift key Wand click on the next document, the next document and so on until all the documents are ?selected. Then let go of the shift key, point the mouse at the first document selected, and then H+drag the whole group onto the Grinder icon. Settings ^After you have loaded the documents, open the Sequential Linker if it is not already open, and make the following settings: c#00ff c300fg c300fg c300ff 8x||x 0>ffc RBE!% %)@AHH RRE)% A)PA$ D! #3303 B%)H@ $% $ Choose a Table of Contents Page The first item is the checkbox Use Table of Contents Page. )M$ If you leave this button unchecked, H1the wheel will add only two links to each of your 3pages, one to the previous page and one to the next 4page. If you check this button, the wheel will add a 6third link to your pages, a link to a page outside the 3chain which can serve as a linked table of contents 1to all the documents in the chain (you can easily /create the contents page with the Index Builder tool). Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page Q\If you are using a table of contents page, you need to specify which page to use by clicking Choose Contents Page... )|E A standard open dialog box will appear with which you can select the H^HTML document which will serve as the table of contents to the chain. The filename of the page ;you select appears in the field to the right of the button. Setting the link text s skip down now to the three lower text fields, labeled Return to TOC Text, Previous Page Text, Next Page Text. > The text you type in these fields will be used as the colored Hbunderlined text which links to the table of contents page, the previous page in the chain, and the next page in the chain. The Courier 9 and tags with a URL link reference will automatically be H1wrapped around the text you type in these fields. 6Separating the links and selecting where to place them The text you type in the Before Links )D6 field is placed on the page before all the sequential links. Likewise, the text in After Links )<2 is placed after the sequential links. The text in Between Links W is placed between each link. You can type or paste as much HTML code into these fields Hfas you like (it doesn t matter if it doesn t all display). You can even use these fields to place your links inside bordered tables. &Finally, there is a popup menu titled Append /which controls where on each page the links are H^placed. See the description of the identical popup menu in the Appender wheel instructions for more information. The Results aHow does this all come together? If you keep the default settings, as they are illustrated in the H&screen shot above, and then click the Link Pages )91 button, the following text will be placed at the H(end of every one of your HTML documents: (Previous Page | Contents | Next Page Previous Page will be linked to the previous page in the chain, Contents will be linked to the page you selected with the Choose Contents Page... )|' button, and Next Page will be linked H[to the next page in the chain. All three links are separated by as specified in the Delimiter HXfield. Each page will contain these links and you will be able to move from page to page HJforward or backward or up to the contents page just by clicking the links. If you don t use a Contents page ^If you do not use a Contents page, the links will be identical except that the Contents link will be missing. The Choose Contents Page... button and the Return to TOC Page text field will both be disabled. (What happens on the first and last pages bThe previous-page link on the first page is linked to the table of contents page (if there is one) Hfor to the last page in the chain. Likewise, the next-page link on the last page is linked to the table Dof contents page (if there is one) or to the first page in the chain You can use pictures too YThe easiest way to use this wheel is to use hypertext for your links, as described above. H]However, there is nothing to prevent you from using inlined images for the previous, contents and next page links. [Create your image files of a left-pointing arrow, a right-pointing arrow and an up-pointing HYarrow for the contents page. Place these images in the same folder that contains the HTML ^documents in the chain you are creating. Then in the link text fields, instead of typing )Page (or whatever), type something like <img src="next.gif"> (or whatever). Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page Q]You may have to play with the pathnames a bit. But experiment a little and you can easily add HAhandsome buttons to your pages as easily as boring old hypertext. Updating the links `The first time you add sequential links to a page, the links are placed at whatever location you specify with the Append ))@ popup menu. The links are wrapped in the non-displaying comment tags: Courier <!--linkers--> and <!--end of linkers--> Q[The next time you run the Sequential Linker on the same pages, something very cool happens. The wheel ignores the Append ))= popup menu and looks for the comment tags instead. The wheel Hdthen throws out the old links, and inserts the new links in their place. This makes it very easy for _you to maintain your pages and re-order them without worrying about deleting the obsolete links first. Helvetica AutoIndexer _ AutoIndexer searches your entire site for keywords that you specify, and then builds a list of HElinks to the files that contain those keywords. AutoIndexer adds the <a name> tags to your files Haso that clicking an item in the index will jump directly to the relevant word on the target page. YYou can decide how many instances of a keyword should be indexed on a single page and you +can choose from 18 different index formats. ZTo use AutoIndexer, drag onto the Grinder icon all the HTML files which you want to create H^links for. AutoIndexer will search these pages for keywords and add the appropriate links to a Dseparate index file which you will select in the AutoIndexer window. [The AutoIndexer window contains three panes of settings. You can switch from pane to pane H$by clicking one of the tabs labeled Keywords, Options, Index File. Each pane is described in turn below: Keywords H)JJK %)@I)`JH t!/0I)@zH b JX` I)@BH "q0)9 n 2H&Y HJXA) JEIbP ! zEIBL ' BB ) y)!HIJH)H 'HAJH E )HAJI)H 'HA2D !"K ,I )I '"z (I I !$! )"B (I 3The first pane lets you enter the keywords you want H7to search your site for. To create a new keyword, click New Keyword )L or type N. A blank line will be H4highlighted in the scrollable list of keywords. Type .your keyword in the field to the right labeled Keyword. )2. Then press the tab key to leave the field and H)update the display on the scrolling list. 2You can specify variations for each keyword in the Variations )6+ field. For example, when searching for the H-keyword Aaron Bobbs, you might also want to .search for Aaron, Aaron C. Bobbs, and /Bobbs. Type each variation on a separate line. .To edit a keyword or its variations, click the H`keyword name in the scrolling list and edit the fields to the right. To delete a keyword and its Cvariations, click the keyword name in the scrolling list and click Delete Keyword. Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page Options '$$ s< % 0*$ A BJH .The Options pane controls how the keywords are H6searched and how the final index is formatted. You can 9revert to the recommended settings for this window at any time by clicking the Defaults button. Check the Match Case )=" box if you want to find only text H7that exactly matches the pattern of upper and lowercase &letters you type in the Keywords pane. Use the On Same Page popup menu to control how H]many identical keywords are indexed on a single page. Choose Index First Instance to create `only one link to the very first instance of a keyword on a page. Choose Index All Instances bcreate a link to every instance of the same keyword on a page (this can result in lots of links!). ZThe default setting is Index Widely Separated Instances, which creates links to multiple !instances of a keyword on a page 6 if those instances are separated by approximately 100 words or more. Index Format )GM popup menu controls the information that is placed in the final index. There are three choices: Keywords Only Keyword1 Keyword2 Keyword3 | | Keyword4 Keywords w/ Page Titles Keyword1 Page Title A Keyword2 Page Title A | | Page Title B Keywords w/ Titles (1 line) Keyword1 | Page Title A Keyword2 | Page Title A | Page B H(# indicates another instance of the same (keyword, either on the same page or on a different page (# indicates another instance of the same keyword on the same page (# indicates another instance of the same keyword on the same page Text Format )BH popup menu controls the format and spacing of the index. You can choose from six formats: Plain <br>. Separates each line with Courier tags. Plain <p>. Separates each line with tags. Unordered. );? Creates a bulleted list (nested, where appropriate) using the tag. Unordered <p>. )R? Creates a bulleted list (nested, where appropriate) using the g-and separating each entry with an additional tag. Ordered. )/? Creates a numbered list (nested, where appropriate) using the tag. Ordered <p>. )F? Creates a numbered list (nested, where appropriate) using the tag and g)separating each entry with an additional tag. Experiment with the Index Format and Text Format )C$ popup menus to find the format that HVworks best for your purposes. These two popup menus used in conjunction offer eighteen different index formats. e Actually, the determining factor is instances that are separated by at least 500 characters of text. Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page Index File Click Select Index File... to select the page that the H7index should be placed on. This will display a standard 2Open dialog box. Select the HTML document on which 3you want the index to appear with links to all your 3destination documents. The name of the file appears underneath the button. Use the Append ))& popup menu to control where the index H:will be placed on the page the first time (see description /of this popup menu in the instructions for the Appender )3+ wheel). If you add an index to a file that H`already contains an index, the new index will overwrite and replace the old index, regardless of the setting of the Append popup menu. Run the wheel NAfter you have made all these settings, there is nothing left to do but click Search Pages & Build Index. )@R After the Grinder finishes, load your index file into your Web browser and take a look at the results. #How AutoIndexer modifies your pages IAutoIndexer places the index at the point in the file you specify in the Index File )5 pane. It H8places the index within the non-displaying comment tags Courier <!--Index--> and <!--End of Index--> )8@. AutoIndexer does not modify the index file any more than this. QVHowever, AutoIndexer makes more extensive modifications to the pages you drag onto the H'Grinder icon to be searched. It places <a name> ):+ tags around every keyword that it finds in H_those documents, in order to create the scrolling links. There are a few things you may want to +know about how AutoIndexer adds these tags: The names used in the <a name> )85 tags are generated automatically and are of the form AutIndx followed by a numeral (e.g., <a name="AutIndx32">Apple</a> Once a <a name> )8B tag is added to a document, it cannot be removed, except by hand. BWhen indexing first instances only, AutoIndexer will add only one <a name> tag per gJkeyword per document. When indexing all instances, AutoIndexer will add a <a name> tag and build a link to every ; keyword in a document. If you then switch back to indexing g]first instances only, AutoIndexer will create links to the first instances only, but all the name> tags will remain. $If a keyword is already wrapped in a <a name> )?( tag, AutoIndexer does not add a new tag g?but leaves the original tag as it is and uses it for the links. RAutoIndexer will locate keywords that are portions of other words, but places the name> )#J tags around complete words only. For example, if you specify Apple as a gLkeyword, AutoIndexer will also find Appleseed and will generate a tag like <a name="AutIndx4">Appleseed</a> (not name="AutIndx4">Apple</a>seed QZAs with all Grinder wheels, it is important to maintain backup copies of the pages you are H Grinding. Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page Helvetica Scroller Section 1 * Section 1A * Section 1B Section 2 Section 3 Clicking on this link... ...will scroll the window down to here #The quick brown fox jumps over the $lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps #over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy z Section 1 Section 1A The quick brown fox jumps over "the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Section 1B The quick brown fox jumps over "the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. sections scrolling links Q(Scroller takes a long scrolling document H)with multiple sections in it and installs ,scrolling links at the top of the page which +users can click on to jump to the different %sections further down on the page. To ,accomplish this, the wheel places a standard Courier <a name="link"> tag around each section H#title, and then creates a standard href="#link"> tag at the top of the page. H%You can use Scroller to provide basic *hypertext navigation for a long sequential page, quickly and automatically. (Generally, you will use Scroller on only H,one page at a time. As always, make sure you /have a backup of your page before you Grind it. `The page you drag onto the Grinder icon must contain section titles which are clearly identified H_by HTML tags. The best way is to have each one of your section titles marked with a heading tag through F). Scroller will then create a scrolling link for each heading in your H%document. To use this setting, check Scroll to Heading Tags. )y You can also choose the heading H3level that Scroller should start at. If you select * as the starting tag, Scroller will ignore and <h2> )$$tags and create scrolling links for $ headings and higher. This is useful when you use M as the tag for the uppermost title which therefore does not need a scrolling link. YThe great advantage to using heading tags is that if you use multiple levels of headings, HeScroller will reflect the different levels by creating a hierarchical list of scrolling links. In the gillustration above, the link to Section 1A is indented to the right, indicating that it is a link to an heading. !%,H R ) R ^ ) R A)PBH P ) R f`" f`"&t @!,I)IRBI bIJBI @ @A)I( Q1If you have a document which does not use heading H3tags, you can still use Scroller on it. Just check Scroll to Custom Tags )T! and enter the HTML tag which was H7used to mark up all the section titles. For example, if 3each of your section titles is in bold type, enter H6Scroller will automatically figure out the appropriate closing tag (in this example, ). Make sure that the H.tag you enter here is not used anywhere in the 'document except for the section titles. 1On pages with scrolling links, it is customary to H4include in each section a link which will scroll the 9visitor back up to the table of contents links at the top @of the page. You can include this tag automatically by checking Include Link to Top. You can Hdspecify the way this link should read. When you use this option, a link to the top will be installed Wimmediately after each section title and formatted to be one font size smaller than the surrounding text. aWhen you use scrolling links, it is sometimes helpful to advise your visitors that the links will H`take them to a different spot on the same page, rather than to a brand new page. You can do this ]by attaching the Scrolldown and Scrollup QBullets to each of your links. They look like this: This link scrolls down the page: Section 1 This link scrolls up the page: Return to top Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page Q_The QBullets are included in the Grinder Extras folder. To use the QBullets, first copy them to HNan appropriate location on your Web site. Then, in the Scroller window, check Use Scrolldown QBullet and/or Use Scrollup QBullet. )o: A dialog box appears asking you to locate the appropriate H\QBullet GIF file. When you select the graphic file, the pathname appears to the right of the Dcheckbox. To select a different graphic, just click on the pathname. WFor more QBullets you can add to your Web site for free, see http://www.matterform.com. Finally, you can use the Append )(; popup menu to select where in your document your new links HZshould be installed. For more information on this popup menu, see the instructions for the Appender wheel. Q,When you have made all your settings, click Install Scrolling Links. Watch your fingers RYou should always backup your files before Grinding them. Scroller makes extensive H4modifications to your pages, such as installing the Courier <a name="link"> tags, which cannot be undone. Helvetica StretchList What are StretchLists FStretchLists are a Web interface element designed by Matterform Media . The StretchList HLwheel is a tool designed to help you create StretchLists quickly and easily. ]A StretchList is a way of condensing a long page of information into a simple, overview which HZcan be taken in at a glance, and expanded at will. An illustration will make this clearer YFollowing is page of information. It contains some introductory information at the HXbeginning, and some closing information at the end. In between, it contains some natural Zsections, which we shall call elements, and which are named and formatted on the page as 8large bold text. A Web designer might tag them with the " tag. Each of these Element titles H0precedes a paragraph or two of descriptive text. +H%KGeneral introductory information. General introductory information. General ;introductory information. General introductory information. Element 1 WText about element 1. Text about element 1. Text about element 1. Text about element 1. WText about element 1. Text about element 1. Text about element 1. Text about element 1. WText about element 1. Text about element 1. Text about element 1. Text about element 1. Element 2 WText about element 2. Text about element 2. Text about element 2. Text about element 2. AText about element 2. Text about element 2. Text about element 2. Element 3 WText about element 3. Text about element 3. Text about element 3. Text about element 3. WText about element 3. Text about element 3. Text about element 3. Text about element 3. WText about element 3. Text about element 3. Text about element 3. Text about element 3. AText about element 3. Text about element 3. Text about element 3. VGeneral closing information. General closing information. General closing information. VGeneral closing information. General closing information. General closing information. I StretchLists and their name are inspired by Ted Nelson s description of StretchText. For more information see Nelson s book Dream Machines. )HM This is perhaps the first book of hypermedia theory, published in the 1970s. Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page Q^The goal is to reduce this page to an overview. The overview should not require scrolling, and H6should be easily expandable into the complete version. UWhen we run the StretchList wheel on the source page, we receive a new condensed page which looks like this: +H&KGeneral introductory information. General introductory information. General ;introductory information. General introductory information. Element 1 Element 2 Element 3 VGeneral closing information. General closing information. General closing information. VGeneral closing information. General closing information. General closing information. QbThe introductory and closing information as well as the three element titles are retained, but all H_the descriptive text is gone. Additionally, each element title is now a hypertext link, and the small )#( graphics have been automatically added. Q]This overview is a StretchList and functions in a fashion similar to the expanding folders of HWSystem 7 on the Macintosh. By clicking on Element 1, we can change the display to the following: +H%KGeneral introductory information. General introductory information. General ;introductory information. General introductory information. Element 1 LText about element 1. Text about element 1. Text about element 1. Text about Qelement 1. Text about element 1. Text about element 1. Text about element 1. Text Rabout element 1. Text about element 1. Text about element 1. Text about element 1. Text about element 1. Element 2 Element 3 VGeneral closing information. General closing information. General closing information. VGeneral closing information. General closing information. General closing information. Q>The triangle to the left of Element 1 turns and points down Element 1 becomes bold HWfaced. And the descriptive text appears below the title and indented about a half-inch. \Notice the continuity which this StretchList affords and which is unusual for hypertext. The Haother two element titles are still on the page. Our place in the order of the information is very Hclear. Even the introductory and closing information is still before us. 3If we click Element 2, the display changes again: Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page KGeneral introductory information. General introductory information. General ;introductory information. General introductory information. Element 1 Element 2 LText about element 2. Text about element 2. Text about element 2. Text about Qelement 2. Text about element 2. Text about element 2. Text about element 2. Text <about element 2. Text about element 2. Text about element 2. Element 3 VGeneral closing information. General closing information. General closing information. VGeneral closing information. General closing information. General closing information. Element 1 automatically re-closes and Element 2 expands. The other element titles are condensed but still available. XAt this point we could click Element 3 to expand it. Or we could click Element 2 H completely re-condense the page: +H%KGeneral introductory information. General introductory information. General ;introductory information. General introductory information. Element 1 Element 2 Element 3 VGeneral closing information. General closing information. General closing information. VGeneral closing information. General closing information. General closing information. Q4That is the basic operation of a StretchList. It is continuous hypertext as opposed to discrete hypertext. Discrete ))I hypertext is the kind that jumps the reader around from page to page and HWshows no obvious connection with other pages other than the underlined hypertext links. Continuous )7X hypertext maintains the continuity of a single view, but alters it slightly. It is much H;easier to keep from getting lost with continuous hypertext. How StretchLists work on the Web ^The Web has no provision for continuous hypertext. Therefore, we must trick it into simulating H6continuous hypertext by using only discrete hypertext. WWe do this by taking the single source page, and breaking it into a number of different H_StretchList pages. There is a page for the completely condensed version, and a page for each of [the expanded elements. The element titles link cleverly from page to page. In this way, the Wappearance of continuity is maintained, even though we are actually moving from page to discrete page. eIf this sounds like a lot of work, it is. But the beauty of the StretchList wheel is that it does all the work for you. Formatting the source file cTo create a StretchList, you start from a single source file and insert tags that will instruct the HFStretchList wheel how to break your source file up into a StretchList. `The element titles are the most important items to identify in the source file. You need to wrap Hathe element titles in a distinctive tag. The best thing to do is to wrap the element titles in a Courier </h3> tag. However, if you use the 0 tag elsewhere in the document, you will need to Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page HVuse a different tag. You can use any tag that has an opening and closing tag, such as Courier </h2> </b> )# as long as that tag isn t used anywhere else in the source file. Q^If you want to include introductory and closing information (text, graphics or buttons) at the H]top and bottom of every page of your StretchList, you will need to identify that as well. You ^should mark this information with a non-displaying comment tag at the beginning and end of the )information. You could use the following: <!--header--> 0at the beginning of the introductory information <!--end of header--> *at the end of the introductory information <!--footer--> +at the beginning of the closing information <!--end of footer--> %at the end of the closing information Q[You can use whatever tags you wish to mark the elements, header and footer but they must be HYunique tags. You will enter these same tags into the StretchList wheel before you run it. 7Sample HTML code of a formatted StretchList source file <!--header--> 6General introductory information. General introductory 6information. General introductory information. General introductory information. <!--end of header--> <h3>Element 1</h3> 6Text about element 1. Text about element 1. Text about 6element 1. Text about element 1. Text about element 1. +Text about element 1. Text about element 1. <h3>Element 2</h3> 6Text about element 2. Text about element 2. Text about 6element 2. Text about element 2. Text about element 2. 6Text about element 2. Text about element 2. Text about element 2. Text about element 2. <h3>Element 3</h3> 6Text about element 3. Text about element 3. Text about 6element 3. Text about element 3. Text about element 3. +Text about element 3. Text about element 3. <!--footer--> ,General closing information. General closing 1information. General closing information. General closing information. <!--end of footer--> Loading the source file [The StretchList wheel is somewhat unusual in that it works on only one file at a time. Drag your source file, and J your single source file, onto the Grinder icon to load it. Another unique H`feature of the StretchList wheel is its automatic backup of your source file. The source file is _irrevocably altered and, if you make even a small mistake, can be totally ruined so it is vital #that a backup is always maintained. Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page Setting the icon locations I)HHR `bg.& O08Iz &p8I2 L!JRB IJX A H'JRN H)JRR %(( R !(& P %(! R <|><l FffFq >ff>a >f>>` `3#2f `?30f `030f `132f &bff&c I)HRC A)JPB(B !The Grinder comes with the small and icons. They H;are located in a folder called StretchList icons which in 6turn is located inside the Grinder Extras folder. Copy 8these icons into an appropriate folder in your Web site. 9Then use the buttons at the top of the screen to show the H2Grinder where the condensed and expanded icons are 5located. You will be given a standard open dialog box 8with which you can select the location of each icon. The =locations will appear in the text fields to the right of each button. Other icon options 0You can also use the fields to the right of the Select X buttons to set the height and width of the condensed and expanded icons. The numbers in HLthese fields will be used to create the height and width parameters for the Courier <img> tags. You need H^to type something special here only if you are using icons other than the standard icons which Bship with the Grinder. If you are using the standard icons, click Standard Icon Sizes HJautomatically enter the appropriate values in the height and width fields. WYou can also choose whether you want the condensed and expanded icons to be part of the H;hypertext link that controls the StretchList. If you check LinkIcons, visitors will be able to click Heon the element title text next to the triangular icons, or directly on the triangular icon itself, to bcollapse or expand the StretchList. Otherwise, the triangular icons are inactive and visitors must ,click on the text to the right of the icons. Element tag In the field )=%Format for the title of each element, ) type in the tag you used to identify the H<element titles when you set up the source file (for example ). You only need to type in the H[starting tag. The wheel will automatically generate the appropriate ending tag (for example </h3> Header and Footer In the Header Tags )EB fields, type the non-displaying comment tags you used to mark the HYbeginning and end of the header information when you set up the source file (for example H header--> and <!--end of header--> In the Footer Tags )AB fields, type the non-displaying comment tags you used to mark the HYbeginning and end of the footer information when you set up the source file (for example H footer--> and <!--end of footer--> Run the wheel VThat s all the settings you need to make. When you run the wheel, your original source HXdocument will be permanently altered, and new documents will be created. Since it is not Zpossible to undo the operation, the StretchList wheel automatically makes a backup of your Usource file, in the same folder as the source file, and with the same name plus Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page The new files 2The StretchList wheel makes the following changes: 0Makes a backup of your source file and names it sourcefile.html BU. 3Condenses the source file completely. Installs the icons. XCreates a new file for each element. The new files are named the same as the now-altered +source file with the addition of a numeral. 4Installs all the appropriate links in all the files. Q^So if you start with a source file called list.html containing three elements, you will now have the following files: Courier list.html BU )f"backup of the original source file list.html )Q3now condensed and the first page of the StretchList list1.html list2.html 3the three expanded element pages in the StretchList list3.html Changing the StretchList aThe best way to change a StretchList is to go back to the backup of your source file, restore its H original name, make the changes there, : and then run it through the StretchList wheel again. Make H\sure you always have a backup of your source file, as there is no way to unstretch a page. Helvetica Quick coding wheels Date Stamp DA@JP DA@JR @PA%)$R Ng8;y 6The Date Stamp wheel inserts the last modified date on H=all your documents. It pulls this date directly from the last 5modified date recorded by the System for each of your 6documents. And the wheel gives you a number of options ,for how that date will be formatted via the Date Format popup menu: Long. Monday, September 18, 1995 Short. 9/18/95 Abbreviated. Mon, Sep 18, 1995 Q6(These formats may appear slightly different depending on the settings of your Date and Time control panel.) Q4You can also wrap the date in text of your choosing. H7There are fields which let you specify what text should come Before )"$ the date and what text should come After * the date. The example illustrated on this H page would produce HTML text of: !<font size="-2">Last modified on: )<b>Monday, September 18, 1995.</b></font> Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page Q'which would appear in a Web browser as: Last modified on Monday, September 18, 1995. You can modify the Before and After 5 text to add any HTML code, text or images along with the date of each document. Finally, the Insert K popup menu controls where in the documents the date will be inserted. This H%popup menu operates exactly like the Append ))! popup menu in the Appender tool. QTWhen you insert a date stamp for the first time, the HTML code is wrapped in the non displaying comment tags: Courier <!--date stamp--> Palatino <!--end of date stamp--> QVThe next time you insert a date stamp on a page, the wheel ignores the setting of the Insert H`popup menu. Instead, it finds these comment tags, throws out the old date stamp, and inserts the new one in its place. YKeep in mind that when you add the last modified date to each of your documents, you will modify and thereby change )"F the last modified dates of each document. It s best to run this wheel H=immediately before placing a new version of your site online. Helvetica Page Labeler `"E!$ I) JR H @"E I) JR R`r/ I)`HR R !)HI R !)I I)@JR R !)JI ) I) EEA$$Ia% OA% ! I %$HA% !)I <``>0c B%)H@ <``<f|p !"K ,I )I '"z (I I !$! )"B (I 6Page Labeler automatically inserts the URL or title on H;all the pages you drag onto the Grinder icon. This can be a 7helpful feature for people who print your pages out for future reference. Inserting Titles To insert titles, simply choose Titles from the Insert H2popup menu. Page Labeler will insert whatever text appears between the <title> and tags on each page. Inserting URLs $You can insert the URLs by choosing from the Insert * popup menu. When inserting URLs, two more HYoptions appear below the popup menu. Since you will be dragging HTML files from your hard Adrive onto the Grinder icon, their URLs will look something like: 2file:///Macintosh%20HD/Web%20Site/folder/page.html QXYou need to convert these local URLs to the Internet HTTP URLs that your visitors use to access your page, like: *http://www.domainname.com/folder/page.html Q_To do this, you will eliminate the portion of the URL that applies to your local hard drive (in this example, Macintosh HD/Web Site/ - )and replace it with the HTTP header, domain H Q5The ALT parameter is used to make your site usable to Havisitors who can t see your images and specifies alternative text that should be displayed if for ]any reason the image itself is not displayed (for example, a visitor has turned off automatic _image downloading in his browser software, or if he is using a text-only browser like Lynx). So ]if you had a button that displays a picture of a house and links to your home page, you would Ugive the image an ALT parameter of which would appear to the user as clickable (hypertext instead of a graphical button. ^Unfortunately, who ever thinks to put those pesky things in? The Altifier means you can design H^your whole Web site and then drop the ALT parameters in at the last minute. It simply searches ^for all the inlined images in your pages and adds an ALT parameter based on the filename minus 4the file-type suffix. So if you had an image tag of: Q'the Altifier would transform that into: home Q[This solution isn t perfect, because it depends on how well-named your image filenames are. HGBut it s usually better than nothing and easier than thinking about it. Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page Helvetica File Management Filename Fixer IBHBB RBHIJP NB&q9 ))I $ "DP"! "| "! "@P"! D %!@ :Filename Fixer is a handy tool for many purposes (not just Hbelow). Then make a backup copy of your Web site, and drag the Bentire folder containing the site onto the Grinder icon. You might want to check the Loaded Documents window under the Edit menu H8to make sure that the correct files were in fact loaded. @The only setting you need to make is the Base Folder of your Web site. Click Base Folder )?+ to select the top-level folder of your Web H`site, the one that contains the entire site. This setting is necessary so that the Grinder knows which folder names to shorten. Now just click Convert to 8-dot-3. )f: The Grinder will examine your entire site and convert all Hdthe filenames and link references to ensure that your site will be transportable to the PC platform. Link types supported ZThe current version of Eight Dot Three truncates file references within the following HTML tags: Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page QWEight Dot Three does not modify scrolling links (of the form or ). It also does not modify absolute file references (those Ybeginning with a slash). You must change these links by hand. You can use the Code Police 2wheel to find the pages which contain these links. Helvetica Other Wheels Color Calculator HHJRBI )JP , J )!!J HJJRRH ( HI)!)J I!!JC BJP`I &I:@ I !IJ@ bc801 ) BA%!$%) I@ %%) I@ n&pg8 H)/ t @AH$ 8Most browser programs display Web pages as black text on H8a light gray background. The Netscape browser recognizes >>>>> ====== <<<<<< ;;;;;; :::::: 999999 888888 777777 666666 555555 444444 333333@ ////// ...... ------ ,,,,,, ++++++ ****** )))))) (((((( '''''' &&&&&& %%%%%% $$$$$$ ######@ o_NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo^ _h>_>_NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoN _j>_>_>_NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoN _/>_>_>_>_NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo^ _)>_>_>_>_>oNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoN _'>_>_>_>_>_>oNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoN _%>_>_>_>_>_>_>oNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo _#>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>oNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo _!>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>oNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo >_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>oNoNoNoNoNoNoNo >_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_NoNoNoNoNoNoNo >_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_NoNoNoNoNo >_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_NoNoNoNo >_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_NoNoNo >_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_NoNo >_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_No >_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>o >_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_ >_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_ >_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_ >_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_ ._>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_ .O._>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_ .O.O.O>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_ .O.O.O.O._>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_ .O.O.O.O.O>_>_>_>_>_>_>_ .O.O.O.O.O.O>_>_>_>_>_>_ .O.O.O.O.O.O.O._>_>_>_>_ .O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O>_>_>_ .O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O._>_ .O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O._>_ .O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O .O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O .O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O .O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O .O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O .O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O .O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O .O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O .O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O .O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O .O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O .O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O .O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O .O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O .O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O ?.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O ?.O.O.O.O.O.O.O O.O.O.O .Once you have selected your color, just click H9wheel will calculate the color code and insert it in the RGB Color Triplet )f" field. Now you can just copy this H7code into the appropriate place in your HTML documents. Note: 0The Color Calculator wheel is unusual in that it H5does not modify your HTML documents automatically. It 2completely ignores any documents that you may have 7dragged onto the Grinder icon. All the Color Calculator 6does is compute the code for the color you pick. After Sthat, it s up to you to insert that code in the proper place of your HTML document. Where to put the color codes .The color codes are used as parameters to the )*( tag. You may want to visit the Netscape HZWeb site at http://home.netscape.com/ for more information about the usage of custom color tags. Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page Helvetica AppleScript E)(E() yIP:R )HI) 0|!)' "Lc$L 03>>1 .The AppleScript wheel lets you create your own H0Grinder wheels using the AppleScript programming 1language. The Grinder handles all the complicated 4parts for you: loading your HTML files, opening them 1up one by one, saving the changes, displaying the 5progress thermometer, etc. All you have to add is the text-juggling features you want. 0You can type your AppleScript in the large field H6provided. When your script starts, it will have access $to two constants. The first, called filename contains the H5name of the file the Grinder is currently working on. The second, called filecontents contains all the text of HWthe file currently being grinded. You can access these constants the way you access any Svariables. But you don t have to create them; the Grinder will create them for you. bWhen your script is finished, it doesn t need to do anything to the current file. The Grinder will H`take care of that for you too. The current file will be changed to whatever you have changed the filecontents variable to. QaHere is a brief example. Lets say that, for some inscrutible reason, you wanted to take the first word of each one of your default.html ):7 pages and move it to the end of the HTML document. The HCfollowing script is all you would need to type in the script field: Courier "if filename is "default.html" then T set filecontents to (word 2 to 30000 of filecontents) && (word 1 of filecontents) end if QYThe Grinder will open each HTML document you dragged onto the Grinder icon, starting with H2the first. The Grinder will create two variables. filename ))# will be the name of the first HTML document. filecontents )7L will be the text-only contents of the first document. Then your script will HYstart. The script given above will check to see whether the name of the first document is default.html . If it is, it will change filecontents )7- by moving the first word to the end. Now the HLGrinder will change the contents of the first HTML document to the value of filecontents. HFthen the Grinder will move on to the next file and repeat the process. SWith the AppleScript wheel, you can do things that would be impossible with a basic HWFind/Replace utility. You can check individual words and paragraphs for values and make adecisions based on what you find. By using variables, repeat structures, if-then-else statements, you can actually create intelligent wheels. Q]Take care with your scripting syntax. Errors will produce error messages, but no debugging is Haavailable and it might be too late if you write a script that accidentally destroys your data. As Nalways, recent backups are a wise precaution when using the AppleScript wheel. Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page Helvetica Code Police !JP , JJI JB JC JJI:P TI! /0 ( JJIJR (I! ( :L`(E! %!!IJ@$ 'Iz@< )IB@ %( )A RNs8@ 2300ffd 0L view, you configure Code Police by creating a list of rules. Each file that Hayou drag onto the Grinder icon will be tested against each rule in the list. Files that match the >criteria specified in the rules list are flagged as violators. To create a new rule, click or type 4N. A new blank line will be highlighted in the rules HLlist. Use the fields on the right to set the parameters of the rule. In the Description field, type a Hdbrief description of the rule. Make it concise but clear, as this description will be printed on the Xerror report generated by Code Police. For example, if your company frowns on use of the Courier mailto: )1T tag, you might refer users to the company manual by saying Do not use mailto: tag. HUCreate a form instead. See manual for sample code & instructions. When you leave the Description );U field, the first few words of the description you type will appear in the rule list. QaBelow the Description field are the logical test settings you can make. The logical tests check a Hcparticular container of text against a string that you specify. There is a popup menu that lets you Zchoose a container. A second popup menu lets you choose a comparison method. A field below ;these popup menus specifies the text you want to check for. Container Options Contents textual contents of the file File Name the name of the file as seen in the Finder File Path the enclosing folders of the file of the form Hard Drive:folder: :folder: Page Title the title of the HTML page as set with the tags Comparison Options Contains the container contains the text specified in the field below Does Not Contain the container does not contain the text the container is exactly identical to the text Is Not the container is not exactly identical to the text Starts With the begins with the text Does Not Start With the container does not begin with the text Ends With the ends with the text Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page Does Not End With the container does not end with the text QVA second set of popup menus & text field is directly below the first one. A popup menu H\connects the two sets and is originally labeled You can choose from the 5popup menu to enable and use the second set of menus. ^Run the wheel by clicking the "Flag Files" button. When Code Police finishes grinding, it will switch you to the Flagged Files view. Flagged Files !JP , JJI JB JC JJI:P TI! /0 ( JJIJR (I! ( :L`(E! %!!IJ@$ 'Iz@< )IB@ Hc'p3T "Q("H I "@ I)"H HHRR !)JA HH1% ^ !)zA @JRP !)BA 330#2 2300ffd 0<ffp 3300f~8 3300f` 3300fbL E,JJ ,JB)IHA)H zB/IHA)H E(BHI BBHIHE)H -Flagged Files view displays a list of all the H*files found by Code Police, along with the -rule(s) broken by each file. Double-click the .rule number to review the description for that /rule. Double-click a filename to open that file for editing. .But if you just want to wash your hands of the whole mess, click Print to print out a list of the H+files along with their errors and each rule .description and then send the whole batch back -to whoever is responsible for the pages. Tell 'them The Computer rejected your pages '(that ll scare them) and go home early! bIf you want to doctor the flagged files report before sending it off, you can export it to text by H clicking Save as text... )GE Then you can open it in a word processor and do whatever you need to aIf you re a real sweetheart, you can fix the pages yourself. You can quickly load all the flagged H#files into the Grinder by clicking Load These Files )W, and then choose another wheel to do work on the files. Other Notes ^Code Police can be helpful even if you don t receive files from other people. Often you may be HYcontemplating an extensive change to a number of pages in your Web site. You can use Code gPolice to create a manifest of all the files in your site that match certain criteria (e.g., mentioning \a person s name, containing a particular image, etc.). This can give you an idea of how many 2files are affected before you actually begin work. `You can use Code Police to check files other than standard text files, e.g., GIF or JPEG images. HaWhen checking non-text files, you can only examine the file name and the file path. If you create ca rule that checks for the file contents or the page title, that rule will be skipped when checking non-text files. \The Flagged Files report displays a maximum of ten or eleven errors for any particular file. H7Additional errors are represented with an ellipsis ( cThere is a 30K limit to the text that can be checked for in all the rules at once. This normally is H]not a problem since you will generally be checking for small strings of text. However, if you `need to check your files to insure that they contain a very long string of characters, you might fstart bumping into the limit. Consider setting up a rule that checks for just the first 15 and last 15 dcharacters of the long string instead of checking for the entire string at once. Or check your files Hin more than one pass, changing the rule settings between each Grinding. Times -)HTML Grinder http://www.matterform.com/ Page Helvetica Other Features Linking wheels together _As you work with the Grinder, you will often find yourself using certain wheels in conjunction. HYFor example, every time you connect some pages with the Sequential Linker, you ll want to bcreate a table of contents with the index builder. The Grinder allows you to link wheels together, Nso that when one wheel finishes grinding, the next wheel automatically starts. \Linking wheels is easy. Just go to the first wheel you want in the chain, and press the tiny wheel icon )JZL" )GH at the bottom of the window. After a second, a popup menu appears which HEcontains every other Grinder wheel. Select the wheel you want to run after this wheel. When you H0release the mouse button, the icon changes to a * to indicate that a wheel has been linked. Q^You can create as long a chain as you like just by going to the next wheel and setting another link with the )JZL" )KO popup menu. Every time you run a wheel, the Grinder will jump automatically to the wheel specified in the )JZL" - popup menu and run that wheel automatically. To clear a link, press the , icon and select from the popup menu. Saving commonly used settings ]You can make duplicate copies of any Grinder wheel to save specific wheel settings for future HYuse. Just make your settings, close the wheel, select the wheel in the Finder, and press H\duplicate the wheel. Give the new copy a name that will help you remember its settings. This ^wheel will save the settings you gave it, so you can use it any time you need those particular settings. Preferences ?You can access the Grinder preferences at any time by choosing Preferences from the Edit H%menu. The Preferences window appears. 332fd 330fp ?30~8 L132bL RIbAHRR "D ^t )IBH $%)@J !!H !)JRR !'H9!)BR^ !)HI!)JRP !!HJJA "%%!)JRR !'HJJ@ ""=!)BR^ !)HJJ@)"%!!)JRP *There are two checkboxes at the top of the H!Preferences window. If you check Clear loaded H"documents before loading new docs, the Grinder will completely replace the currently loaded H.documents with the new documents you drag onto 3the Grinder icon. If you uncheck this box, dragging documents onto the Grinder will the old documents and the new documents to the end of H the list. If you check Chime when done grinding, H-Grinder will let you know when it is finished 2loading or grinding documents. Uncheck this box if you hate the chime. Check Load all documents )fA to load all the documents you drag onto the Grinder icon. If you H4only want to load certain types of documents, check Load only suffixed documents. In the field Heto the right, type in the suffixes of the file types you want to load. This is useful when dragging a Xfolder of many documents onto the Grinder. You can use this option to load only the HTML Hdocuments, or only the GIF files, or only JPEG files or any combination. 2=@B79 #'(/%" @` 3!EOIPJ: ,8HA. &='*" #*,/129 7!0%+ @` 84Z@ |`1 } *15( !"'$. ,("!# @@P0 2=@B79 #'(/%" 3!EOIPJ: ,8HA. &='*" #*,/129 7!0%+ *15( !"'$. ,("!# temp.0001 : <@2 Michael Herrick Matterform Media Microsoft Word 5.1a ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ~~~~~~ }}}}}} |||||| {{{{{{ zzzzzz yyyyyy xxxxxx wwwwww vvvvvv uuuuuu tttttt ssssss rrrrrr qqqqqq pppppp oooooo nnnnnn mmmmmm llllll kkkkkk jjjjjj iiiiii hhhhhh gggggg ffffff eeeeee dddddd cccccc bbbbbb aaaaaa `````` ______ ^^^^^^ ]]]]]] \\\\\\ [[[[[[ ZZZZZZ YYYYYY XXXXXX WWWWWW VVVVVV UUUUUU TTTTTT SSSSSS RRRRRR QQQQQQ PPPPPP OOOOOO NNNNNN MMMMMM LLLLLL KKKKKK JJJJJJ IIIIII HHHHHH GGGGGG FFFFFF EEEEEE DDDDDD CCCCCC BBBBBB AAAAAA @@@@@@ ?????? >>>>>> ====== <<<<<< ;;;;;; :::::: 999999 888888 777777 666666 555555 444444 333333 222222 111111 000000 ////// ...... ------ ,,,,,, ++++++ ****** )))))) (((((( '''''' &&&&&& %%%%%% $$$$$$ ###### """""" !!!!!! 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